Tips for Writers and Designers
Whether you're a home (page) maker, an e-mailer, or a web site graphic designer, these tips will help you be a better communicator on the Net. If you are mostly a browser and e-mailer, try the first few tips. If you're into making your HTML pages look great, everything here is for you. In case you're curious, you can learn a bit more about me as well.
NB: This is my writing. It's for you to read, not take. As an author I am legally entitled to control the distribution of my words. The idea is to pass my URL around, not my images, and not my pages. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions page. You may want to use this gopher to learn about copyrights.

1: Take the Type Test

See if your fonts are set up ergonomically.

2: The Netscape Background taste test!

The famous minty-green background lives here. Set your browser background for a pleasant surfing experience.

3: Set Your Links Ergonomically

Changing the default colors that come with your browser will make for fewer trips to the Advil home page. Try these cool colors and see for yourself.

4: Typographic Emphasis on the Net

Whether you're making web pages or sending e-mail, good typography can help get your point across emphatically.

5: The Single-Pixel Gif Trick

This is it! The page you've heard about. Gain control and feel the confidence build as the browser-programmers freak out.

6: Horizontal White Space Control

Here it is: why you should never put two spaces after a period.

7: Vertical White Space Control

Blasphemy! Why you should stay away from the standard HTML constructs!

8: Practice and Principles

General tips and guidelines for using my layout methods.

9: Perspicuity... The English Language in Cyberspace

My short list of usage pet peeves. The difference between "that" and "which" is here.

10: Use images and use them well

How I manage to use all those different fonts on my site. How I make my graphics come up fast. New! The Netscape Color Cube!

11: Spelling in Cyberspace

What you need to know about spelling in English. You'll be surprised to find out.

12: The Balkanization of the Web

In addition to my first essay, Severe Tire Damage, this new essay talks about HTML 3.0, where the Web is going, and what HTML and browsers will look like in the future. Warning: this is a large essay that will take you out of this "Web Wonk" area.

13: Tools and Access Counters

Many people ask what tools I use and how to install an access counter at their site. Here are some answers.

14: Image Offsets

We are tracking browsers and their offsets. You need this information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I come see your site? How to contact me, and more.

Creating Killer Web Sites Banner

This "Web Wonk" site is looking for a great intern. Preferably a senior student who can do a great job, get paid, and come work for me when school is over. To be considered, you must send my intern, Geoff, the URL of an exciting, visually sophisticated si te that I can use as a High Five site, and include a note on why you want to help, how much time you have, and what your skills are. Gumption and persistence count. Please send your URL submissions to

Please send me

your comments.

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Copyright David Siegel 1995, 1996